What is Apex Innovations?
This is the service for clients who want to create claims directly on the apex website, instead of using another Practice Management Software to create the claims, then sending them to Apex EDI.
How to use Apex Innovations
To use Apex Innovations, you will first need to log into the Apex website. You can do this either through the Apex OneTouch Application, or by going to onetouch.apexedi.com. Once logged onto the website, navigate to the All Claims tab and click on the Add Batch button at the top of the batch list.
Once selected, a new batch will appear on your website, and will show one claim in the Red failed status. Click on the box to open the batch.
Now in this view you will see the singular claim and have no information listed for it.
Click the claim line to open the claim. Required fields are highlighted in Yellow.
You will just need to fill out the Yellow boxes and then click Save Changes on the top right of the claim.
Once this has been selected, and all the required information is put in correctly, then you will receive a new status at the top of your claim.
This means that the claim is now in a Ready status and will be submitted at the normal times Apex EDI sends the claims.
If you are wanting to add more batches at this point, you will go to the top left of the screen and click on the Batch button.
This will then take you back to the view where you could see your claim before editing it. Towards the bottom of this area, you will click the Add Claim to Batch button.
This will automatically take you to a new claim for you to fill out. You will want to follow these steps for as many claims as you are wanting to send in this one batch.
Once you've edited your claims and they are in a Blue ready status, you will then have to release your claims. All Innovations claims will sit in Pending Release until you click on the Release button located on the far right of the batch line.
IMPORTANT: You can only click Release AFTER you have edited all your claims. If you click the Release button and still have a claim that is failed, then that claim will not be able to be sent to the payer, even if you edit it later on. Apex EDI currently has an issue where any claim that is edited after the Release button is selected will never be sent to the payer and will continuously remain in a Ready status. In order to ensure that all claims are sent, you need to make sure that each of them are in the Ready status.
Once the claims have been released, then they will be sent to the payer and the response process will be the same as all other clients.