Apex Connex is a software that we use to convert any claim file that is saved as a PDF. The majority of claims sent in this format will be sent from Dental Practice Management Software, however there are Medical Practice Management Software that will also send in PDF format.
Related Article: Software that Requires Connex to Send Claims
Apex Connex FAQs
Why do I need to use Connex?
The Apex claim importing system is set to import certain file types. Our system is not able to important PDF files properly on it's own. However, with the Apex Connex, we are able to conver claims from PDFs to a standard accepted format called Print Image. Without Apex Connex, we wouldn't be able to convert the claims to the Print Image format, and would then be unable to send the claims to the insurance companies.
How do I Know if I Need Connex?
Contact your Practice Management Software to see what file type they save their claims as. Also, see our Software that Requires Connex article to send Claims for a list of current software we know use Connex.
How do I know if I have Connex Downloaded already?
Currently Apex has 2 versions of Connex; a desktop application or a file directly downloaded to your computer.
Check if you have the Desktop Application:
If the desktop application is downloaded, you will see an apex icon in your symbol in the bottom right corner of your screen. The desktop application, if downloaded onto the computer, is located on the bottom right corner of the screen. To find, you'll click on the .
After clicking on this, it will pull up a list of "Hidden Icons", one of which will be the Apex Symbol. If you see this symbol, then that means your computer has Connex V1 downloaded.
Check if you have the Downloaded Version:
This version, also called Connex V3, is more difficult to know if it's already downloaded on the computer. The easiest way to tell is if you see the Connect V3 symbol on your desktop.
How do I Download Connex?
Apex agents will need to download the Connex software to your computer. Please contact Apex Support at 800-840-9152 or support@apexedi.com